by guest writer and Eastbound Theatre Director, Nancy A. Herman

There is nothing quite like live theatre! Have you ever wondered why we create theatre and why we go to see it; why we are drawn to coming together and sitting elbow-to-elbow (or sometimes knee-to-knee!) in the darkness, watching and listening to stories both real and imagined, new and old?

Here are some of my reasons:

THEATRE IS ALIVE The artistry happens while we are watching, and there is something magical about seeing the creation as it unfolds in real time before our eyes.

THEATRE IS ABOUT US All of us!  It expresses and explores human nature by examining the details of our relationships with one another, with our world, and with ourselves.

THEATRE IS PERSONAL It provides us with multiple perspectives and points of view, asking us to consider who we are and who we want to be. Because it is a non-threatening, non-combative environment, it helps us to understand and empathize with the perspectives of others.

THEATRE IS PROVOCATIVE It poses questions, often safely pushing us out of our comfort zones into realms of ambiguity and nuance, and rarely offering simple answers.

THEATRE IS EMOTIONAL It offers us a communal, affecting experience causing us to laugh together and cry together, and in so-doing connects us to one another and reminds us of our shared humanity.

THEATRE IS COMMUNAL In Jane Wagner’s play The Search for Signs of Intelligent Life in the Universe, bag-lady Trudy says it best. Speaking of the time she attended a play with one of her visitors from outer space, she remarks:

            “Did I tell you what happened at the play? We were at the back of the theatre, standing                                 there in the dark, when all of a sudden I feel one of 'em tug at my sleeve, whispers,   "Trudy look!" I said, "Yeah, goosebumps. You definitely got goosebumps. You like the play that much?" They said it wasn't the play that gave 'em goosebumps, it was the audience! I'd forgot to tell them to watch the play; they'd been watching the audience!  Yeah, to see a group of people sitting together in the dark, laughing and crying at the same things...well that just knocked 'em out!”

So, the next time someone invites you to sit in the darkness, elbow-to-elbow, knee-to-knee, say YES. You never know how your perspective might change, how your heart will be touched, or what connections you might make.

For opportunities to experience those goosebumps, go to https://milfordarts.org/performances.