Be A Snowflake

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by Paige Miglio, Executive Director of the Milford Arts Council

On January 15, 1880, Wilson Bentley took the first photograph of a snowflake.

The phrase “no two snowflakes are alike” has been around since before our childhoods.  This discovery was made by a man named Wilson Bentley, a farmer from Vermont, who became affectionately known as “Snowflake” Bentley.  

Read his story here:

In more recent years, this beautiful sentiment of the snowflake’s mystery and awe has been radicalized as a derogatory slang term for one who is overly-emotional, easily offended, with an inflated sense of importance based on unwarranted entitlement. 

During this winter solstice, during a world-wide pandemic, the MAC is re-embracing the snowflake as a symbol of the strength of humankind. 

Individuality. Diversity. Connection. Uniqueness. Creativity. 

No two people are alike. Even identical twins are different. The beauty of snowflakes is not only their uniqueness, but their fleeting time in our world. As humans, our time on earth is a mili-second of history. We can choose to float through life, go through the motions, look out for ourselves, and leave when our time is up. Yet, if we take the time to see ourselves as something more, something special, and unique - and then open our eyes to the individuals in the room with us, we become part of a flurry, a blizzard - a whole movement, and a community. 

We are here on this earth to experience life, differently, but together. Our co-existence makes this life-experience worthwhile and vibrant. Moreover, we need to see everyone around us as unique, special and diverse as we are; never replicated, and co-creating within a fleeting part of a larger story. Together we are stronger for being unique individuals; for creativity, innovation and growth cannot be born of sameness. 

The interconnections of each unique shape of a snowflake is what binds them into a snowfall just as the differences of each person creates a thriving community. Together we exist and float swirling, touching, breaking, connecting, creating… Being. 

Being a snowflake is not weakness, it is seeing the power and passion that is inside of you, that which makes you, you. In turn seeing, acknowledging and being accountable to those unique beings around you.

This is the basis of humanity and the strength of community. 

Will you be a snowflake? Will you embrace your unique role in community? A part of the storm that creates what lies ahead. Always moving, connecting, creating. Together. 

It’s the Year of Creative Energy. Together, let’s create The Story of 2021