The Space In-Between

It’s what ties and binds all things.

It’s nothing and everything.

It’s empty, yet so full.

It’s the space in-between.


The space in-between is the intangible, the unseen, the unspoken. It’s that area of truth, depth, and meaning. Every form of artistic expression has in-between spaces.

Music happens not just in the notes, but in between the notes in the rests, the rhythms, the pulse, the places where nothing is heard. The space in-between.

Drawing, painting, and sculpting happen not just in the shapes, but in the negative space around the shapes. The space in-between.

Writing happens not just in the words, but in the punctuation, the patterns, the sounds. The space in-between.

Dance happens not just in the movement that we see, but in the energy that is emitted where one movement ends and another ones begins. The space in-between.

Turns out, the important stuff of life is lived in the space in-between as well. We are discovering this in real time.

This is a new, unknown, un-nerving space for most of us. The good news is that we are all living it together. The good news is that we are already seeing people reach beyond and outside themselves, grasping a “We Not Me” mentality. The good news is that many of us* have extra time in our days to focus on the important stuff - our health, our relationships, our inner spirit.

*We realize that this does not pertain to all citizens. For those on the front lines of this crisis, we are ever-grateful and we send you so much love.

For the MAC, this space opens a doorway that leads way beyond our walls and exposes a deep pull for us to step up and out. The space has caused us to ask ourselves what we can do during a time when we there is so much we cannot do.

So, here’s what we can do. We can be your point of connection. We can be the place where you find and express whatever is inside - your spirit, your truth, your feelings, whatever you are willing to share. Please give us the honor of becoming the space where you embrace your ‘inner creative.’ Sing, dance, show us your works of art, play your instrument, read your poetry… 

Starting today, we will be extending our Facebook platform for you to do just that! Simply email us your creative, artistic, innovative short videos or images to and we will post on FB @MilfordArtsCouncil for our nearly 4300 followers to see. Our hope is that this virtual community will help you to feel a bit more connected, heard, seen, valued, and loved.

Whether you want to contribute to this platform or not, let's all stay together on Facebook (@MilfordArtsCouncil) and/or Instagram (milford.arts). It's the next best thing to being together! We will continue to develop our online communication as time goes on.

We want to see #creativityeverywhere because #theartsprevail! And so will you!