East/West Playfest (Call for Scripts)

Call for Scripts: East/West PlayFest
Eastbound Theatre, a division of the Milford Arts Council, once again partners with Westport Community Theatre for a program of original short plays under the banner of “East/West PlayFest 2024”.
East/West PlayFest seeks short one-act plays for production in July. Six finalists will receive a production of their play, with 2 outdoor performances at the Milford Historical Society. The program will be repeated the following weekend at Westport Community Theater.
Email submissions to ebtmac@gmail.com.
Attachments can be doc, rtf or pdf files.
Hard copy submissions can be sent to:
East/West PlayFest
Milford Arts Council
40 Railroad Avenue South
Milford, CT 06460
Playwrights should submit play(s) on or before April 26, 2024.
Submissions must be unpublished one-act plays of approximately 10-15 pages in length.
Please do not submit more than two plays.
There is no submission fee.
Playwrights will maintain all rights to their material.
Finalists will be notified via email unless the playwright requests otherwise.