Our Team
Any open positions are posted on our

Paige Miglio
Executive Director

Canine Patron of the Arts

Kari Candelora
Business Manager
Patron Services

Jeremy Ajdukiewicz
Office & Volunteer Coordinator

Raheem Nelson
Marketing Specialist

Chief Sparky B MacFirehouse
Gallery Docent
Our committees organize, develop and manage the various programs offered by the MAC. Committees are staffed completely by volunteers. If you have a talent or interest you would like to share, we welcome you.
Visual Arts
- Garrett Driscoll
- Geri Crolla
Open Mic Nites
- Dolores Hannon
- Sandy Morgan
Written Word Writers' Group
- Laura Garrity
Eastbound Theatre
- Nancy A. Herman - Chairperson
- Richard Warren - Vice Chair
New England Guitar Society
- Suzan Maxey
- Bobby Fritz
Artist-2-Artist Group
- Nan McConkey
- Stephanie Sands (Jazz)
- Frank Critelli (Locals Only)
- Committee at Large
- Tim Toplian
- Robin Kramer
- Richard Ives