Community Art Doodle: Picture and Word.
In the spirit of April being Poetry Month, the Milford Arts Council and their community arts committees: the Written Word and Artist2Artist, welcome one and all to participate in this special public experience.
What. The Firehouse Gallery’s doors will be open for anyone to mingle, commune and share a few words and/or simple images and create a totally organic and unique statement of who you are – and who, together, WE are.
When. On Saturday, April 5th and Sunday, April 6th from 12 – 4pm, at the Firehouse Gallery. All Ages / Free Sessions. Donation box available.
How. The Firehouse walls will be covered with craft paper and the MAC will supply markers.
Come in. Make your Mark! Tell a story! Hang out and watch the doodle grow and change.
Who. All are welcome! Young/old, artist/writer, resident/visitor, family and friends.
This will be a safe space encouraging creativity, positivity, imagination, and joy.
Special Saturday Evening Event!
- On Saturday evening, April 5th from 7pm – 9pm there will be a ticketed “Doodle Reception” for adults.
- Wine, beer and snacks will be available.
- Advanced tickets only: $10.
- Limited to 60 attendees.